Monday, December 21, 2009

Witches Mardi Gras Social ~ February 13, 2010

Gaia Winnipeg is hosting a Witches Mardi Gras Social!

Wear a costume! Dance the night away!

Food! Music! Silent Auction! Prizes! Costume Parade!

Tickets are $15.00 and can be purchased at Cloaked Realm ~ Pagan Emporium located 381 Agnes Street (homebased operations closed June 7th, 2010), open Sunday Noon to 4PM.

OR from a friendly Gaia Winnipeg volunteer.

Volunteers will be on hand at the January 18th Pagan Pub Moot at the Kings Head Pub.

What is Gaia Winnipeg?

Gaia Winnipeg was birthed by the team of volunteers who coordinated the Gaia Gathering 2007 in Winnipeg. It is an open and inclusive group for planning events and coordinating local efforts at building Pagan Community in Winnipeg.

Gaia Winnipeg continues the energy and inspiration of Gaia Gathering: Canadian National Pagan Conference throughout the Wheel, drawing on the creativity, connections, ideas, and relationships developed through the experience of hosting GG 2007.

In the past we raised bursary funds to sponsor Winnipeg delegates to Gaia Gatherings in Winnipeg 2007, Ottawa 2008 and Vancouver 2009.

Our goal is to assist Manitoba Pagans to attend future Gaia Gatherings in Guelph 2010 and beyond. We intend to achieve this goal through hosting local events that encourage community-building and raise funds.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Witchy Ware YULE Fair!

Cloaked Realm Pagan Emporium will be hosting the third annual Witchy Ware Yule Fair on December 5th, 2009 from Noon to 7PM.

Here's what you will find...

*~ Yule Ornaments
*~ Yule Baking
*~ Tons of new books
*~ Hand crafted Bronze Circlets
*~ Statuary (New products from Dryad too)
*~ Gemstones
*~ New Gemstone Jewelry (some with Hidden Pentacles)
*~ Tapestries
*~ Altar Tools
*~ Full line of Nag Champ Incense
*~ Resins Incense and Charcoal
*~ Cauldrons! (this largest selection in Manitoba!)
*~ Witches Calendar and Date book will be available
*~ Tarot Cards
*~ Spell Candles (including Bayberry)

Guest artists are still to be determined.

Refreshments and friendly conversation will be served in heapfuls!

See you there!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Psychic Fair!

Cloaked Realm will be closed November 8th, 2009 because we are participating in a Psychic Fair located at the Unity Church of Winnipeg at 300 Arlington Street from 1PM to 5PM.

Expect to find...

*Crystals & Gemstones

*Handmade Drums
*Goddess & Chakra Items

*Spiritual Jewelry and gifts

*Sacred Tools
*Wands and Pendulums

*Rune Stone Readings
*Tarot Readings
*Energy Work
*Henna Tattoos
*Christmas Ornaments
*Stained Glass

*Country Crafts
*Art and of course...

All the fabulous products from Cloaked Realm!

Come check it out!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Witchy Ware Party! October 25, 2009

Just a quick reminder to folks that Cloaked Realm will be hosting another Witchy Ware Party tomorrow from Noon to 6PM.

As many of you know Tim Jeffrey is a dear friend and a supplier to Cloaked Realm. Tim will be heading off to BC for six months as of November 1st. In honor of his great contribution to Cloaked Realm we are encouraging everyone to pop by tomorrow to buy some of Tim's products so he has a bit more cash to take with him on this new adventure. Cloaked Realm will be waving our consignment fee so 100% of the sale will go directly to Tim.

Tim just stocked us up with seed packets and beeswax candles!

As always, refreshments will be served.

See you there!



Friday, August 7, 2009

Witchy Ware Party! ~ August 30, 2009

Cloaked Realm may have been closed for the Summer but we've been fast at work!

Come by the shop on Sunday August 30th, 2009 from Noon to 6PM to see what new and exciting products we've brought in (many not seen anywhere else) . Not to mention the shop upgrades!

The door will be open, just walk on in. Refreshments will be served.

Please note that we are still a cash only business.

See you there!



We are located at
381 Agnes Street (homebased operations closed June 7th, 2010). There is parking on the street and there will be a sign in the window.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cloaked Realm Gmail Hijacked

My apologies to all those who may have received a SPAM email from me earlier today. Looks as though someone broke into my Gmail account and had way too much fun. They emailed every single email on my list and every single email I have ever received at that account through the list serves.

I'm not an idiot. I don't download unsafe material or open unknown email. I have a ten character password and no malware was found on my computer.

So again I'm very sorry. I would have emailed everyone directly but after they were done with my account they erased my entire contact list.

I'll be speaking to Gmail directly to find out my best course of action.

For more info or proof that I'm not the only one go to...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Witchy Ware Party for July 26th ~ Cancelled!

Due to some scheduling conflicts I have decided to cancel the Witchy Ware Party that was scheduled for July 26th.

We are still in the process of purchasing new stock and fixtures as well, we have a house guest until the 27th and A-Kon is also that weekend and my best helper will be unavailable.

So... See you in August!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Change of hours for the Summer!

Just a notice for all those folks out there who support Cloaked Realm, we will be closed Sundays for July and August. We will happily open anytime for those wishing to make an appointment as well as for the Witchy Ware Parties scheduled for...
  • July 26th, 2009 ~ 12PM-6PM CANCELED
  • August 30th, 2009 ~ 12PM-6PM
With growth comes change! We are in the process of purchasing large amounts of new stock and revamping the store fixtures entirely. So don't miss the new and improved Cloaked Realm developing this Summer!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

On the road! June 19th to 21st, 2009

Cloaked Realm will be heading out this month to attend Toon Town's Pagan Summer Fest. This will be our first off site sale in four years!

Because of this the shop will be completely empty and closed June 21st (a day we would normally be open).

But have no fear we are open June 14th, 2009 for our regular operations and will open again June 28th, 2009 for a Witchy Ware Party!

As always, we do take evening and weekend appointments, just email.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Pennies from Heaven = Abundance

A couple of days ago I set up an alter dedicated to attracting prosperity and abundance. Today as I was heading to the bank, after work, to deposit my modest paycheck I passed by a bright, shiny penny. In the split second it took to pass that penny my entire thought process about attracting abundance "changed".

Often when I see a penny just sitting there ready for a new owner I'll think to myself,"Ohhh a lucky penny, yay! I'll leave that for someone else to find, won't that be nice.", today was no different.

Abundance was tapping me on the shoulder and I said, "No thanks." But it was just a penny, right? Wrong. It's a symptom of a larger problem.

So why would I do that? Is it a fear of looking silly? Maybe I see no value in a penny? Or maybe I've been programmed to think that abundance is only for everyone but me? Well, it's all of the above.

I do fear looking silly picking up a penny but really its a fear of being judged by those who might see me do it. I've lived nearly my entire adult life in a world where I do everything I can to hide my poverty (although that has been changing recently, mostly out of anger; feeling under appreciated and marginalized but that's another post). I feel shame for being poor as if it makes me somehow less worthy than everyone else. I can't answer why that is, it just is.

We all remember the stories our parents or grandparents told us about how "a penny used to be worth something" and of all the things you could buy with just a penny. Times have changed, the Canadian Government not too long ago was petitioning for the eradication of the penny because the costs associated with making a penny are more than what a penny was worth. It's not surprising then that I look at pennies as something that weighs me down but offers no value.

Our bodies (astral and physical) and mind build memories through our actions, thoughts and through the actions and thoughts of those people who we associate with. Could it be that every time I passed up a penny I was programming my mind to reject prosperity and abundance? Yes. By rejecting something so small and seemingly insignificant I continue to reject other opportunities that I think are too small to bother with out of sheer habit and conditioning. And by thinking that "wouldn't it be nice" for someone else to find it I also conditioned myself to into thinking that everyone was more deserving, more appreciative and more worthy than myself.

Who knew that a penny could be worth so much?

On my way back from the bank I spotted that bright, shiny penny. I picked it up, it was wet and gritty from dirt (oh great now I'm attracting dirty money). As I looked at it I made a conscious decision to know that I am worthy of prosperity and abundance, then, I put it in my pocket.

So I ask, what's a penny worth to you?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Witchy Ware Party! ~ April 26th, 2009

Cloaked Realm's next Witchy Ware Party, OPEN HOUSE is coming up on April 26th, 2009 from Noon to 6pm at 381 Agnes Street (homebased operations closed June 7th, 2010).

Here is what you can expect to find...

* Gaia's Garden Seeds Products
* Handmade Door/Window Wards
* Handmade pocket charms
* Tapestries (Gorgeous by the way!)
* Spell Candles (mini and multi day)
* Altar Cloths
* Handmade Altar cloths
* Altar Tools (handmade in Winnipeg!)
* Goddess Statuary
* Wall Hangings
* Incense (resin and stick)
* Trinket Boxes
* Buddha Figures
* Bayberry Candles (spell size)
* Beeswax Candles (Local producers)
* Cauldrons
* Books (Various)
* Herbs (Various)
* Gemstone Pendants
* Sterling Silver Jewelry
* Sarongs
* Handcrafted wood Pendants (Exclusive)
* Decorative Brooms
* Witchy Art
* Wildcrafted Manitoba Sweetgrass
* Wildcrafted White Sage Bundles
* Real Manitoba Beeswax Altar Patens

In fact, we also carry a large selection of gemstones at Cloaked Realm. Stones include...

* Amethyst
* Clear Quartz
* Smokey Quartz
* Carnelian
* Citrine
* Magnetic Hematite
* Hematite
* Onyx
* Sodalite
* Bloodstone
* Rose Quartz
* Moonstone
* Malachite Chunks
* Quartz Points
* Amber
* Fluorite
* Amethyst Clusters
* Shiva Lingham
* Selenite Wands
* Gemstone Pyramids

***Please note that Debit and Credit Card transactions are not available at the store currently. Cash only please.***

Coffee, tea and baked goodies will be served. Please join us for this great community networking opportunity!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pagan Gardening Lecture by Tim Jeffrey

To kick off Cloaked Realm's new Workshop and Lecture series Tim Jeffrey has agreed to present a lecture that is very close to his heart, Pagan Gardening.

Lecture Outline and topics to be presented

* What "Pagan" Gardening is all about.
* Why you should choose a NO chemical garden.
* Explore ideas on ethics, productivity and sharing.
* The principles and practicalities of Permaculture; Masanobu Fukuoka's theories; Food Forests; Square Foot Gardening and Bio-intensive Gardening.
* Weekly labour as opposed to a seed and harvest culture; gardening with what exists; making your outputs become your inputs.
* Human centered semi-wild gardening as opposed to traditional controlled gardening.
* The cycles of life, Earth worship (Gaia); Garden altars, circles and plant devas and other items of magical interest.
* The animals, insects and birds as part of a holistic Gaia-centric garden.

This lecture/discussion will be 2 hours in length. A large amount of information will be presented so a notebook and pen are recommended as no handouts will be given. Each attendee will leave with an abundance of information and a little guerrilla gardening treat. Coffee, tea and water will be available during the session.

Tim Jeffrey is known among many as Winnipeg's Guerrilla Gardener mainly due to his Canadian "Johnny Appleseed" approach to beautifying the back alleys of Winnipeg's Northend. He is an avid permaculturalist who walks his talk. Tim takes the philosophies of Earth care and people care into every aspect of his life including his newly launched online seed company Gaia's Garden Seeds. Cloaked Realm is thrilled to host Tim as our first guest speaker.

Please join us on Saturday March 21, 2009 from 2PM - 4PM. Space is limited so to guarantee your spot please stop by Cloaked Realm this Sunday to pre-pay for you seat.

Witchy Ware Parties for 2009!

Here are our up coming dates for Cloaked Realm's Witchy Ware Parties!

April 26th, 2009 ~ Noon to 6PM
May 31st, 2009 ~ Noon to 6PM
June 28th, 2009 ~ Noon to 6PM
July 26th, 2009 ~ Noon to 6PM
August 30th, 2009 ~ Noon to 6PM
October 25th, 2009 ~ Noon to 6PM

YULE Edition!
December 5th, 2009 ~ Noon to 7PM

What's Witchy Ware Party you ask? No really, I heard you.

A Witchy Ware Party is an open house event where we serve refreshments, have special deals, feature local artists, introduce new products and network. Its always a good time! Everyone is welcome and the door is always open!

See you there!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

You can't buy ANYTHING!

NO SALE! ~ A Party!

Do you frequently suffer from the effects of buyer’s remorse? Are you commitment phobic about investing in candles? Does the thought of buying great stuff send you into a cold sweat?

Then I have the solution for you…

Come by Cloaked Realm ~ Pagan Emporium on Sunday February 22, 2009 from Noon to 4PM where we’ll refuse to sell you everything. That’s right you can beg, plead, whine, cry and have temper tantrums all you want but I’m not going to sell you anything. Promise! And for all your hard work we’ll even make it a party!

Please expect lots of great conversation, food, music and fantastically priced items that you will not be allowed to leave with. We’re hiding the cash register!


We are doing this because we want you to come by and see Cloaked Realm without feeling obligated to buy something and we want you meet great people, become community connected and find out what's going on in Winnipeg! Best of all we want you to have fun!

Party starts at Noon and feel free to bring a potluck type item if you wish.

***In addition to the party we will also be having hourly draws for fantastic Cloaked Realm merchandise. There will five draws in total; one early bird draw and four hourly draws; but you have to be present to win!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Are you getting a little stir crazy? Been cooped up for too long because of extreme Winnipeg weather?

I have the solution!

Come by Cloaked Realm on Sunday January 25, 2009 from Noon to 4PM for our January sale!

All items* will be 10% off!. Pre-packaged herbs are 30% off!

We'll be serving hot coco and homemade cookies just to be sure we get rid of that winter chill!

Drop on by, the door is always open.

* Sale does not include consignment items or statuary.