To kick off Cloaked Realm's new Workshop and Lecture series Tim Jeffrey has agreed to present a lecture that is very close to his heart, Pagan Gardening.
Lecture Outline and topics to be presented
* What "Pagan" Gardening is all about.
* Why you should choose a NO chemical garden.
* Explore ideas on ethics, productivity and sharing.
* The principles and practicalities of Permaculture; Masanobu Fukuoka's theories; Food Forests; Square Foot Gardening and Bio-intensive Gardening.
* Weekly labour as opposed to a seed and harvest culture; gardening with what exists; making your outputs become your inputs.
* Human centered semi-wild gardening as opposed to traditional controlled gardening.
* The cycles of life, Earth worship (Gaia); Garden altars, circles and plant devas and other items of magical interest.
* The animals, insects and birds as part of a holistic Gaia-centric garden.
This lecture/discussion will be 2 hours in length. A large amount of information will be presented so a notebook and pen are recommended as no handouts will be given. Each attendee will leave with an abundance of information and a little guerrilla gardening treat. Coffee, tea and water will be available during the session.
Tim Jeffrey is known among many as Winnipeg's Guerrilla Gardener mainly due to his Canadian "Johnny Appleseed" approach to beautifying the back alleys of Winnipeg's Northend. He is an avid permaculturalist who walks his talk. Tim takes the philosophies of Earth care and people care into every aspect of his life including his newly launched online seed company Gaia's Garden Seeds. Cloaked Realm is thrilled to host Tim as our first guest speaker.
Please join us on Saturday March 21, 2009 from 2PM - 4PM. Space is limited so to guarantee your spot please stop by Cloaked Realm this Sunday to pre-pay for you seat.